Are You Buying True Bullmastiff Quality?  Alternative methods of adopting a Bullmastiff, what Registration Papers really represent, etc. Behind the Bullmastiff Breeders Sales Pitch - Identifying vague warranties, interpreting flashy ads, etc. Your Bullmastiff, Your Responsibility - Interacting with Children, Lawsuits, Liabilities, Expenses, etc. Your Money, Your Entitlement - What you should expect for your money, Interview Sheet for Bullmastiff Breeder Hunting, etc. Your Investment, Was It a Wise One? Bullmastiffs - What the Prudent Buyer Should Know....

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Candy - Kansas
In Memory Of Casey

“Lil’ Miss Funny Faces”

7 June 2000
19 April 2001

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I wanted to share with everyone the good that Florida Bullmastiff Rescue does for all of the Bullmastiffs that come into our care – whether they are deemed adoptable or not.  Despite the age and condition they are in when they are abandoned, we do our best to make them as comfortable as possible.  Jewel was an example of this and now so is Casey.

CaseyCasey was rescued by a wonderful family who found her wandering a local park in June 2000.  Despite her size, they conned her into their vehicle with their picnic treats, took her to the nearest vet to get the fleas and ticks taken off of her, and dubbed her “Casey”.  They could not keep her and were unwilling to put this “sweet girl” into the pound, so they searched for over a week and finally found Florida Bullmastiff Rescue to get her into a safe haven. 

This is when Casey and I met.  Physically, she needed quite a bit of cleaning up.  She was 25 pounds overweight.  And actually, my vet said she might have just had puppies.  Both ears were infected, she had polyps, and a huge sebaceous cyst on her back.  She also showed signs of severe emotional abuse.  She was scared of everyone and everything – even the clanking of her collar against the water bowl when she attempted to get something to drink would send her diving under something.  She cringed at an attempt to pet her and her legs would shake so badly from her anxiety that she had trouble standing most of the time.  Physically - we had the polyps and cyst removed, spayed her, and put her on a diet and exercise plan.  Emotionally - she needed quite a bit of therapy.

CaseyOver the next few weeks, she finally blossomed into a confident Bullmastiff – mostly thanks to Hooch and his egomaniac lessons.  Now she doesn’t think twice about fluffing up her fur at a strange noise and going to check it out on her own.  And she is absolutely perfect in the house – never messed once.  Casey is also quite the drama queen – she will moan, groan, whine, and then flat out bark at you if she isn’t fed, watered, petted, and let out when her doggy watch says it’s time.  And if necessary she will jump on the bed and get you up by literally jumping up and down and barking on the bed next to you until you did her bidding.

However, in November 2000, a misfortune came about.  Casey had started to limp and the pastern on her front left leg was swollen.  It happened suddenly, so we thought maybe she had injured it while playing.  But, her x-rays stated otherwise – Ms. Casey is diagnosed with osteosarcoma – an untreatable cancer.

Up until this point, Casey was still up for adoption.  Now she is a permanent part of our family.  Which is fine considering she had already stolen all of our hearts.

Hooch & CaseyCasey is currently doing fine despite the cancer and we hope to give her the best in her remaining time with us.  She runs and plays and enjoys life as if nothing is wrong with her at all.  Sometimes she will limp on that leg, other times you would never know the lump was there.  It is hard to believe that she is riddled with this horrible disease.

And it is terrible that it took all of these years for her to finally live the “good life”.  No, not all rescues have a “happy ending” per se.  Yes, it would have been great had Casey been completely healthy and deemed adoptable by a family waiting for a rescued Bullmastiff.  It would have been even better if that were the life she was given to begin with. 

But, it wasn’t and in her present time – that’s ok.  Because, like Jewel, Casey has been given a second chance at living the life she should have had all of these years before.  It will be short-lived, as osteosarcoma is a very aggressive cancer, but it will be filled with love and companionship from both of us humans and Hooch.

And that is what I believe Florida Bullmastiff Rescue is about.  Giving all of these Bullmastiffs a second chance at living the good life – whether they leave us for an awaiting home or stay with us for permanent retirement.

April 19, 2001:  Casey was put to rest this morning at 9:00am in Bluewater Bay Animal Hospital.  She woke up suddenly at around 2:30am and began uncontrollable and sporadic coughing and throwing up of white mucus and then, later – blood.  She could not move around much, so I stayed with her to do all that I could to keep her comfortable.  She finally was able to settle down at around 4:30am and sleep for a short while.  This is the first time she had displayed the pain of her disease in all the time she had been with us.  Casey – this is to you: 

CaseyWhen you came to us – such a timid little girl – so scared of her own shadow and everything else.  But, when you left us, I had never seen such courage so true and strong.  Over the months we watched you blossom into a beautiful, confident Bullmastiff.  It is rare that I have seen such intelligence that matched that of Hooch.  We miss your gentle kisses and warm snuggles.  We miss your little funny faces you would give us every now and then.   Hooch leaves his favorite bed unoccupied waiting for you to sneak into it.  We all still look for you or listen for your baby “bier” in silence.  Even when diagnosed with osteosarcoma, you never let that slow you down – not once.  Not even today.   But, it was time – not too soon and not too late.  I know you are at peace and without the pain you always tried to hide from us.  I hope you carry with you all the good memories in life we shared.   You came to our home as a rescue, but left our lives as a long lost love.  We miss you, Casey.  We love you.

 - Sophie, Hooch, and Jef


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