Your comments, constructive criticisms, and suggestions on how to improve this
are appreciated.
Unlike other Bullmastiff websites - we do
not stand to profit, sell puppies, boast a kennel name or business, or otherwise. The
only purpose of this website is to help everyone understand all the
aspects involved with the Bullmastiff breed. And this
is done strictly as a public service.
If you are looking for a
puppy/dog/breeder - please visit our Bullmastiff Breeders Directory - we
will not email any specific Bullmastiff Breeder recommendations.
If you are
looking for advice about your Bullmastiff's care, health, temperament, etc. -
please visit our Bullmastiff Advisory Counselors
If you are
looking for information about Bullmastiff Rescue, please visit the Bullmastiff
Rescue Resource Center.
Picture Contributions