Please be sure to consult a Licensed Veterinarian for an
accurate diagnoses and treatment of your Bullmastiff's
Having a Bullmastiff with a terminal illness is the
harshest experience any loving owner will ever encounter. It is a time of
desperation. It is a time of pain. And unfortunately, it is
also a time many owners may be taken advantage of for "fail safe" remedies in an
effort to prolong their Bullmastiff's life and reduce their pain. This is
a letter from Donna Svabics, the owner of Sonny that you have seen throughout
portions of this website. Sonny has osteosarcoma, and Donna has been
gracious in sharing her experience and research in regards to dealing with this
terrible disease:
Reflections from a cancer
victim's "Mom"..11/29/00
Looking back at this entire ordeal since it began gave me cause to reflect upon
different as the time draws nearer to Sonny's demise, I can only
look back and ponder upon various things I experienced along the way that I
consider pitfalls and potential dangers, and offer what is a personal opinion:
am the owner of a beloved canine who is currently suffering from a terminal this case..Osteosarcoma...the facts
surrounding this particular
cancer became painfully obvious to me as the disease progressed (it is BY FAR
one of the most malignant and aggressive cancers a canine can get)...Far too
many people, for various reasons, fall prey to the different "solutions"
available out here to them (i.e.; alternative/complimentary therapies)
desperation, buying time seems to be the main motive...All I can say, in
summation to this all is: (Thank you, Dr. Barrett!) "Scientific consensus points
to the fact that there is NO scientific data concluding that diet affects the
direction of cancer once it appears"..Consequently, herbs, supplements, strict
diet regimens that drastically vary from whatever the victim has been given
prior to the disease, is going to make little to no difference once cancer is
present, and may do more harm than good, in some instances (to me, these diet
approaches actually appeared radical and fanatical, not to even mention the
expense of it all)...I believe a cancer victim's diet should remain
nutrient-dense, and well balanced (and I refused to sway from the diet Sonny was
used to)...I have been given, by some "gurus" (upon request) of these sworn-to
testimonies, methods "proven to drastically reduce and shrink existing tumors
and cancer cells by 65%"...statements made by a "top" Oncologist in the country
included, "An Osteosarcoma victim who has had the traditional Chemotherapy
treatments has a 12 month prognosis of a quality life"...(this is possibly best
case scenario, NOT the given averages..and I NEVER DID get this "top"
Oncologist's name).."Immunity levels will be boosted by following a strict
controlled regimen, and actually enhance the Chemotherapy treatments to become
more effective" "NEVER give sugar to a cancer dog..Sugar FEEDS cancer
cells"'s amazing what people will grasp onto to prolong life of their
beloveds...we all hear of the success stories, but what about the scores of the
ones who have failed?..I must believe those exceed any successors, by far...I
almost "bit" the "holistic/alternative" approach..but while researching it all,
when I read the promises it made, and some of the over-exaggerated and
unsubstantiated claims made, I just "knew" somehow, this was mostly quackery and
myth, and the predators are out here, full force, in the pet world to make their
bucks, as well..I honestly believe millions of dollars are made from these
well-meaning people (victims, themselves, actually) who wish to hold onto their
beloved furkids just a little longer..and the exotic, (neurotic) cures and
enhancers just keep on selling...Sonny's days are numbered..I think it's vital
for one to grasp when "enough is enough" boy's remaining days will be as
pain-free and happy as I can manage to give him..but it will not be by providing
bucks in the pockets of these "gurus" who promise "amazing" results"...Best,
Thank you, Donna for allowing me to post the above.
What is Cancer:
Certification/Registration Authorities:
Treatment - What are the Options:
Question/Answer Panels:
Is cancer in inheritable disease? Scientists are still
trying to figure that one out. They believe in humans, some forms of
cancer are. Could the same be found true for dogs? The Bullmastiff
Standards that address health problems state that
"lymphoma sarcoma is believed to be a (congenital) trait in some lines and that
puppy seekers should make sure that this trend did not exist in past litters of
both parents and grand-parents". Something to think about...